Welcome to
First Christian Church
of Noblesville

A Church That Matters!

Sunday Worship
10:00am Sanctuary Worship

First Christian Worships Sunday Mornings

at 10 a.m. 

In Person and on Facebook Live


Bethel Christian Worships on Sunday Mornings @ 10 a.m.



To make online donations click the “donate” link at the top of the page



Youth & Children's Ministry | Shelton Baptist Church

Young Person Moment/Sermon in a Minute

Click link below to view

Young Persons Moment/Sermon in a minute for March 2, 2025








First Tuesday - Arena Church

Free community meal Wednesday | Ada Icon

Most Popular Branded Bingo Games You Can Play Online - Great Bridge Links



BINGO @ 6 P.M.




Group Fitness Classes at First Christian 

 Sign up on her Facebook Page–Lindsay Sprunk Lifestyle 

Wellness ************************************************************************************************************************************************



“Service Opportunities”

TS Orthodontics - Asheville Orthodontist Blog: Soles 4 Souls

Thank  you for supporting the 

Soles for Souls Shoe Drive

In 2024 we collected  380 pair of shoes! 


Christian Women’s Fellowship

For March is

The Babe Store


More Volunteer Opportunities


Ministries – First Christian Church of Noblesville

The Food Pantry (Get Connected) - Beverly Presbyterian Church

Food Pantry is always in need…please contribute by dropping off in the office


Horizon House

Collecting towels and toiletries for Horizon House Homeless Shelter


Pop Tab Collection for the Ronald McDonald House - Scandia-Marine Lions ...

Collecting Pop Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House

at Riley Children’s Hospital


Habitat for Humanity to build a Pope Francis House | Deacon Greg Kandra

The Division Street home is  completed

Thanks to all who volunteered to build &/or provided lunches




Money raised will be donated to Fueled For School to support and provide meals for students when they aren’t in class.  Volunteers say this allows their families to focus on other priorities.  The non-profit is run by Noblesville teachers and staff who realized there were students in their classes who were not having proper meals at home.  Since 2017, Fueled For School has been packing meals to send home to feed these kids throughout the weekend and on school breaks.
Help us march down the football field and score a touchdown to tackle hunger in our schools!
$10 buys a football!  One football = 1 yard!
See Vicki Games to buy a football!

Volunteer — Fueled for School


Volunteers use plastic grocery bags to make sleeping mats for homeless ...

Collecting plastic grocery bags to make bedding

for our homeless neighbors


Things to Donate Other Than Money – Charity College

The John Green Memorial Clothing Drive has yielded 72 truckloads of clothing to Wheeler Mission!


As well, 52 Winter Coats were donated to our homeless neighbors through our partnership with TK & KT






FCC Bread of Life Catering is available to provide a space and ready to order food items for your next meeting, birthday party, anniversary celebration, baby or wedding shower.  Please contact Nancy Porter at 317-578-2585 for further information.


Welcome to First Christian Church of Noblesville! We are a caring & compassionate gathering of believers, who believe that the love of Jesus welcomes all people equally. No matter where you are in your faith, you are welcome here!


Since being active in a Christian community is an important part of growing in faith, we have many ways for you to get involved & meet people. Outside of Sunday worship, we have small groups, youth ministries, and men’s & women’s fellowship groups. Click here to see what events are coming up.


FCC worship services are resuming in-person, but can also be found online.  A worship video will be posted on the Sermon page each week.

Offerings can be given through the Donate button or mailed to the church.  

“As the Father has sent me, so I send you”

John 20:21

Online Sermon Archive

Catch up on sermons that you’ve missed!

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